Feel free to contact us with feedback, questions, or how to become a vendor.
Phone: 570.726.7030
Individual Vendor Phone Numbers and Emails:
Chestnut Hill Brewing Company: 215-247-0330; please visit our website to submit an email
ChickoTako: 267-567-7133; tlee.chickotako@gmail.com
Hoser’s: 267-991-6507; hoseymade@gmail.com https://www.eatathosers.com/
Made by ME: 215-450-3165; pastriesbyme@gmail.com
MoMos of Tibet: 215-820-0363; suzanna@momosoftibet.com
Neidermyer’s Poultry: 215-247-1990; hunterkid14@aol.com
Poppy’s Cafe: 267-968-2769; poppyscafe8229gmail.com
Ranck’s Deli: 215-247-5557; jaranck@aol.com
Saigon Noodle Bar: 267-269-7228; chgnomadle@yahoo.com
Smell the Curry; 215-834-6916; smellthecurry.cooking@gmail.com
Southern Flames BBQ: 215-621-7919; southernflamesbbq@yahoo.com
Tokyo Sushi: 757-232-4301; thseo65@gmail.com
Evergreen Produce: 267-567-7133; everprollc@gmail.com